5 Best Profitable Blog Niches for Higher Revenue

If you are planning to start a blog for making money, you are at the right place. This post will explain some blog topic ideas that will make more money. These profitable blog topic ideas are based on the number and interests of internet users. 

Almost 5 billion people use the internet daily. They come from various countries and have different interests and trades. Along with using social media, they search for many topics. 

They shop online, they trade online, they sell online, and they find the required information on the internet. In short, almost 5 billion people are engaged on the internet in one or the other way.

How to Start Blogging

Blogging for money has become a good career because of its high return with little investment. It is, I think the most profitable business one can do with very little investment. 

There are millions of people who blog. The majority of them are still not earning a good amount from their blogs. It is so because they are going in the wrong direction.

best and profitable blogging niches

Why a good topic is the first thing about blogging when it comes to the material side? Some niches are more profitable than others. Some blogs start earning in a few days while some make pennies in years. Why is it so?

Although there are many factors that are associated with your blog’s ranking and authority, this post only suggests some good topics to start a blog on for earning purposes.

Let me point out some important things you should consider while selecting a topic for blogging if you want to make money from it.

1- Choose a Topic 

You are going to see the list of suggestions for the selection of a topic for your new blog. But these are options. 

If you plan to choose one of these topics, do select the one that serves your own interests and hobbies. Do not select a topic you know nothing about.

Choose the topic you are passionate about. For example, you can choose the “relationships” category to write on if you are a social activist, a family counselor, a psychologist, a social worker, a student of social sciences, a customer relation officer, a marketer, etc. Do not choose “Health and fitness” in this case.

If you are an IT Guru, you can write about troubleshooting various IT-related problems.

3- Start Blogging as a Career

Making money from blogging is not a single-day activity. It is time taking. You have to devote your time to your blog. You will have to write consistently. Many of the bloggers quit after a month or two.

They should know that some blogs even start sufficient earnings after two years of hard work. Some blogs take even more time to start earning. Many of the good bloggers quit during this period. They don’t know how big a mistake they commit. 

The revenue is always increased with the passage of time. So, if you are serious about taking blogging as a career, get ready for investing your time.

Best & Profitable Blogging Niches

Here is the list of topics that can generate high revenue as compared to other topics.

1. Technology and Internet

Technology is the first thing everyone uses every day. People Google for various IT problems they face. They search for every IT product; they search help articles for home appliances, office supplies, for laptops and smartphones, medical instruments and devices, internet usage, social media, and much more. 

Blogs with a similar niche:

  • TechCrunch
  • Hi-Tech World
  • Tech Republic
  • Digital Trends
  • Tech Pro

Bloggers like these mentioned are making millions of dollars each year. This niche receives more than 1.76 billion searches every day. This niche gets expensive ads and generates more revenue.

2. Blogging and Social Media

Blogging itself has become a sort of social media. The bloggers write, and the people read, comment, share, like, and signup for the latest news and offers. 

The blogger's reply to comments, they offer help to visitors; send them recent updates, etc. So blogging is not less engaging than social media is. That is why I have written both social media and blogging under the same heading. 

best blogging niches in 2023

The blogs about blogging and social media are generating the highest revenue. 70 million new posts are published only on WordPress Blogs every month. 77 million new comments are made on these posts each month. (Ref: WordPress Activity)

The stats from other blogging platforms like Blogger, Typepad, Tumbler, etc are not counted. Half of the blogs are updated on daily basis. The others are updated usually once a week. So you can imagine the number of bloggers on WordPress alone and on all platforms together. 

Blogs with the same niche: 

  • ShoutmeLoud
  • BlogTyrant
  • CopyBlogger
  • BloggingTips
  • AllBloggingTips

Only 7 % of these bloggers are experienced, professional bloggers. The rest are those who Google and learn. Hence blogs with blogging niches are the target of these inexperienced bloggers. The ads related to blogging and social media are also expensive. 

So these topics generate a good amount of bloggers every month. If you know much about blogging, go and write everything about it. Your blog will sooner get popularity.

Social media has become part and parcel of blogging. You can include social media and its links with blogging in your post topics.

3. Making Money Online

Almost 12% of average people are unemployed, and 23% are partially employed. People are constantly searching for new ways of earning. The trend of earning on the internet is being hotter day by day.

This topic is widely discussed. Millions of people search for online earning opportunities. The blogs that explain how one can earn online are their target niches. If you can search and write nice posts on these topics, you will be earning a huge amount in a very short time. 

Blogs with making money online niche: 

  • John Chow
  • MoneyOnlineJobs
  • OnlineIncomeTeacher
  • Vivatic

The companies who advertise in this niche offer a high price for ads. Affiliates in this niche also earn a good amount. 

4. Health and Fitness

Health has always been a great concern for humans. History changed, the trend changed, and the lifestyle changed, but the issue of health is as important as it was centuries ago. It is an evergreen topic to write on. 

Similar Blogs: 

  • Health.com
  • FitnessDay
  • MensFitness
  • USAHealthandFitness

Millions of people search for health tips and fitness tips on the internet. They spend a lot of time reading about the symptoms, treatment, and prevention of various diseases. The Internet is the first thing they consult before going to the health practitioner. 

If you can write professional tips for weight loss, improving men's health, improving women's health, dieting, nutrition, and exercise, your blog can go viral. Nothing is more important than health. 

People are willing to buy expensive products and services to be fit and healthy. You can sell your own e-books and the products of other companies on your blog.  are making money from these niche blogs.

5. Fashion and Celebrities Blog

Health and fitness may be the need of people but staying up-to-date is an addiction and craze. So, fashion blogs are the target niche for everyone. No one would ignore the posts titled, latest handbag designs by Company and 5 new haircut styles that are becoming the most popular this month. 

Blogs on Fashion niche: 

  • Vogue
  • Fashionista 
  • Glamour.com

So, writing about fashion not only brings you more traffic but also offers a variety of affiliate programs and appealing ads. Your blog can earn thousands in the first two months if you have a lot of social media followers. 

News about celebrities is an attractive thing for all of us today. Celebrities are the most searched topic on Google (ref: Google Report 2015). You can include news and life events of celebrities in your fashion blog.  are good examples.

Saif Ullah Zahid

I am a teacher, innovation expert, educational trainer and a blogger. I also run my own websites. I am committed to linking the students and teachers with resources and opportunities.

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